The Future of Gold from 2019 to 2039
Here you can find Sam’s extensive Thesis on Gold. In the Thesis, Sam examines the Developments in the Gold Market, Cycles Analysis, Gold Market Fundamentals, Gold’s Monetary Perspective, Central Banks’ relation to Gold, the flaws in the Efficient Market Hypothesis, Gold Market Manipulation, Gold’s history and many other smaller topics. The report is a form of Market analysis and aims to provide a reliable picture of where Gold prices and Gold usage are heading over the next 20 years. As the report is a full 200 pages, feel free to examine the subjects you find interesting – or alternatively read the whole paper!
This report is an extensive gold market analysis which examines the future of the gold market starting from 2019 and ending to 2039. For the purpose of this report, seven internationally recognised professionals including Gary Savage, Alexis Stenfors, James Rogers, David Brady, Brent Johnson, David Morgan and Jan Von Gerich were interviewed and over one hundred independent sources were examined.
Aspects discussed in this report include gold’s monetary history over the past 150 years, the world’s current monetary system, the supply and demand factors of the gold market as well as the structure of the gold market itself, financial market manipulation and market efficiency, cycles analysis as well as the geopolitics around gold. The report examines all of these subjects individually after which these aspects are used to form a reliable and thorough market analysis.
The report divides into two core segments which are the theoretical framework and the market analysis. The theoretical framework provides the foundation to which the market analysis is built on. The market analysis consists of three scenarios of which the first scenario examines purely the supply and demand fundamentals of the gold market, the second scenario presents a cycles analysis for gold and the thirds scenario examines the possibility of global monetary system reform. All of the scenarios present both the possibilities and the risks for gold prices from the point of view in question. At the end of the market analysis segment of the report is a chapter which combines all of the scenarios and provides an all-inclusive picture of the future of gold for the next twenty years.
The fundamentals around gold are positive for higher gold prices as supply is likely to contract and demand is likely to hold stable over the next twenty years. The cycles which drive the financial markets also suggest that gold prices are likely to head higher. In addition, to these factors, the monetary demand for gold has been increasing suggesting that gold could be remonetised over the next twenty years which poses both threats and immense opportunities to gold investors.
Due to gold’s history and geopolitical importance, gold is to be considered as money. There are majors movements in the world to dilute the US dollar’s reserve currency status which in the light of the evidence could result in the remonetisation of gold. In addition, the Efficient Market Hypothesis is immensely flawed to a point that the financial markets should be considered relatively inefficient in the short and intermediate timeframes. Financial markets are to be considered cyclical which means that they can be interpreted via sentiment and cycles. Gold prices are likely to head higher over the next twenty years and therefore gold offers great potential with relatively low risk to investors around the world.
The version of the Thesis found here is a pre release version and not the official paper